Who We Are?

We are achievers, guided by a steadfast belief in making our dreams come true. We are Hindustan Warranty Assist, your trusted general insurance company, with the responsibility of safeguarding your investments.

Think about it - in our daily lives, there are a few things we rely on more than we realise. Your phone, refrigerator, and bike or car are the pillars of your daily routines. We often take them for granted until the day one of them unexpectedly decides to call it quits.

Taking these situations into account, Hindustan Warranty Assist was established. We are here to protect your assets from uncertainties with the idea that they deserve more care and attention.

We understand that these are not just objects; they are the lifelines of your daily life. Hindustan Warranty Assist is your steadfast partner for vehicle insurance, gadget insurance and home appliance insurance in India.

We ensure your cherished possessions are safeguarded and maintained in impeccable working order. This way, you can welcome each day with unwavering peace of mind.


Core Value:

Service Commitment

Our company strives to be courteous, responsible, honest, and upfront with every detail, terms, and conditions

Service Customer-centric

Our team prioritises customers' needs and expectations, providing customised, responsive, and innovative insurance solutions.

Service Integrity

We adhere to the highest ethical standards, building trust and credibility with our customers, partners and employees.

Service Transparency

We maintain open and honest communication with our customers, offering clear information about our services and financial performance.



To become one of the most admired and trusted insurance companies in India through our reliable and innovative insurance solutions. Hindustan Warranty Assist strives to provide peace of mind to individuals and businesses by delivering exceptional services and unwavering commitment to safeguarding what matters the most.


To be known for our integrity, excellence and customer-centric approach. We aspire to be a trusted insurer partner to meet the ever-changing needs of our customers and exceed their expectations in the world of insurance.

Trusted Client’s Reviews

"I have found them to be incredibly reliable insurance partners. The claims process was both straightforward and quick. I wholeheartedly recommend them to my friends."

Philip Lewis - SEO

Trusted Client’s Reviews

"I chose Hindustan Warranty Assist for my gadget insurance, and I must say, their service is top-notch. The communication with their agents was seamless, and they explained the policy thoroughly, making it easy to understand. Highly recommended!"

Philip Lewis -zain SEO

Trusted Client’s Reviews

"Hindustan Warranty Assist is undoubtedly the best option for vehicle insurance. Their exceptional service and unwavering support are truly remarkable. With their prompt assistance and customer-friendly approach, I'm not only hooked but also planning to choose them again in the future for my gadgets and appliances. "

Philip Lewis masha- SEO